Amy is the editor of Knitty Magazine ( She’s also the publisher and founder of the magazine. 21 years ago, it came to her in a dream while sitting on her living room couch that she should start an online knitting magazine to feature the knitting design talent she’d been seeing on blogs all over the world in one tidy, professional-looking website. Knitty is a knitting and fibercraft magazine made available at no charge to everyone on the planet thanks to crowdfunding. Knitty publishes 4 seasonal issues every year, and sprinkles bonus content in between, just for fun. As for Amy, she’s allergic to wool and sensitive to all animal fibers, which is a such a funny condition for a knitting magazine editor. Ha. She manages to survive by working with plant fibers, silk, and a few select camelids. She’s not suffering much.
Amy’s current obsessions include her amazing dog, Sky; starting up a ukulele group in her (relatively) new hometown; learning to harness the power of her ADHD brain for good instead of evil; plus a whole lot of mindless knitting.
She lives in Hamilton, Ontario, with her partner, Mark, and his [their!] two cats, Brody and Tasha, plus Sky, of course.
In/near Kitchener-Waterloo:

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