Events & Meetings

Since we have moved to a virtual monthly meeting the calibre of our Speakers has been sensational. You can see details about upcoming and recent speakers on our blog news feed. If you’d like to be a speaker, please contact our Programming team.

Our monthly meetings are held virtually on the 2nd Tuesday of the month (7-9pm) from September to May. Meetings from September to May include a curated guest speaker and in May we also hold our Annual General Meeting (AGM). As well as a speaker, our meetings also include member show & tell, a virtual yarn table (a chance to decrease/increase your stash) and then we spin the wheel for a door prize.

KWKG Extras are additional virtual or in-person events that are based on membership interest and volunteer availability. These can change from year to year. If you have an idea please contact our President.

Workshops are additional virtual or in-person events that focus on a particular technique or pattern. At this time workshops are only available to guild members.

The 2024 KW Knitters’ Fair is on! Save the date for Saturday, September 14. Go to KW Knitters’ Fair for more information as it becomes available.

The Adjudicated Show is held every other year. We are currently busy planning our next Adjudicated Show . It will take place on the Tuesday, June 10, 2025. Please be sure to come back and visit the Adjudicated Show page as more information becomes available.